Weather Underground is a commercial weather service that provides real-time weather information via the Internet. Weather Underground provides weather reports for most major cities across the world on its Web site, as well as local weather reports for newspapers and Web sites. Most of its United States information comes from the National Weather Service (NWS), as information from that agency is within the public domain by federal law. Weather Underground also uses observations from members with automated personal weather stations (PWS). Source: - die Nummer 1 unter den Wetter Portalen in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Österreich - liefert alle Informationen rund ums Wetter. Neben den aktuellen und präzisen Vorhersagen, bietet stets aktuelle Wetterwarnungen, ein Niederschlagsradar, thematische Wetterkarten und das größte private Netzwerk an Wetterstationen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz! Auch Sie können ein Teil dieser Erfolgsgeschichte werden. Sie stellen Ihre eigenen Wetterdaten ein und machen sie damit Hunderttausenden von anderen Usern zugänglich. Quelle:
Wedaal ist ein Messnetz bestehend aus weltweiten privaten Wetterstationen. Die wichtigsten Stationsmesswerte werden grafisch und tabellarisch im Netzwerk wiedergegeben. Source: is a partnership between HAMweather, LLC and, LLC. The purpose of the program is to bring together data from personal weather stations worldwide, display it and make it available for other purposes. Source:
WOW - or the Weather Observations Website - is currently affiliated with the UK's national weather service, the Met Office. It gives private AWS owners the opportunity to submit their own data to the UK's national WOW archive to become part of the long-term record for the country. Before being able to submit any data, a user must first have registered their observing site as a WOW site and have received a site ID number. The UK Met Office own, host, maintain and conduct all development of WOW. Source: